Ensuring Children's Futures

In 1969, Needa Spells took her idea for eliminating poverty straight to the top. She wrote to then President Richard Nixon. She told him there should be a national program for teaching children the value of saving money. That, she said, would impact the rest of their lives.

Ms. Spells didn’t hear back from the President. But she did her part. For 40 years, beginning in the early 1960s, her Youth Security Outreach Club taught young people courtesy, cleanliness, piety, and the basics of finance – especially the value of saving. She taught service to others over self.

When she thought about her estate plan, she made sure a significant portion of her assets would continue encouraging young people to follow the right path. Her “From My Heart Endowment,” created at her death with a gift from her estate, does just that.

It provides on-going support to programs in Pinellas County that increase and improve educational and vocational opportunities for underserved youth. Examples include the Shirley Proctor Puller Foundation, Ready for Life, R’ Club, and Academy Prep.

When asked about her work with the children, she said, “I feel that if I can get somebody on the right track, then I have done something worthwhile.” Her endowment continues her worthwhile goal and her desire to give from her heart.

Learn more about legacy giving plans that allow you to provide long-term support for causes that are important to you.